Pompano lab at Immunology 2017

In May, The Pompano lab sent a delegation to the American Association of Immunologist's annual conference, Immunology 2017, in Washington DC.  It was great to take in some cutting-edge immunology research!  We presented three posters:

Maura Belanger:  “Validation of murine lymph node slices as a viable and functional experimental platform.”  Co-authors included Ashley, Andrew, and Ben (undergraduate).   **Congratulations to Maura, who won a Student Travel Award for her poster!

Ashley Ross: “Diffusional analysis of cytokines in lymph node tissue on a microfluidic chip.”

Kristen Richey (undergraduate):  "Bright blue fluorescent nanoparticles for live cell imaging by fluorescence microscopy."  This was a collaboration with Meng Zhuang and Cassandra Fraser.

Look for the papers on these topics later this summer!



Posted on June 3, 2017 and filed under Conferences, Presentations.